Build 1.24.2632
Added desktop notifications integration.
New desktop notification - triggered when new Lucid version is available for download.
New Lucid update screen - now displaying changelog for the new release within LucidApp.
New “Update notifications” setting added. CLI - “External.UpdateNotification”.
Significantly improved data cache recovery - noticeable on setups with large data cache size (e.g. 100GB+).
LucidApp now shows a disconnecting screen if Lucid exit takes longer time.
Improved file locking performance.
Improved upload stability in case of slower internet connections with high latency.
Performance improvement when syncing the file index.
Bug fixes:
[Critical] Fixed a bug where file locking can be released spuriously.
[Critical] Fixed a bug where clients with different compression ratio settings might not be able to read data.
[Critical][macOS] Fixed a bug where files may not be visible in Finder.
Fixed a bug where “filespace is reaching the limit of...“ parasitic message appears in the Lucid dashboard.
Fixed a rare case where wrong file size is reported for actively updated files.
[Windows] Fixed a bug where after starting a preload, file/folder context menu still shows “Start preload…” instead of “Stop preload”.
[Windows] Fixed a bug where native Windows archiver cannot unarchive .zip file using “Extract all” in the File Explorer.