Configuring the global default settings for a Filespace can help ensure a uniform experience for your users. This can be done in the Control Panel when signed in as root or administrator.
Open the LucidLink Application.
Then click on the control panel tab and then click open control panel.
The control panel will open to the settings tab for your specific client.
Click on Global Defaults
Here you will see the current list of global default settings. Making changes to any of these settings will affect all new users, as well as any users currently using the default settings on their client.
First we'll cover Mount Points. The Mount Point is how the Filespace volume is presented to each user's operating system. It is usually best for all users to use the same mount point for each OS as this ensures file path consistency. Many teams will never need to change this setting, but if you do for instance want your Filespace to mount as the X: drive on Windows, you can make that change here.
Root Point is the point in the filespace directory that you want users to mount as their root level.
Again in most instances the default is the best. If you do wish to change the root point that can be done using this control.
Changing the default cache size will allocate more local cache for each user. Even if you leave this at the default of 25GB, individual users can increase or decrease their local cache size to suit their needs.
Maximum upload and download rates can be set using this setting. Generally speaking it is best to allow each user to use as much of their bandwidth as possible, but if you have a lot of users sharing a single connection, it can be helpful to adjust these settings to balance the bandwidth usage.
Each block of data uploaded into LucidLink is individually compressed and encrypted. If compressible, lossless compression is applied to help reduce the amount of used storage in your filespace. This compression does use some CPU, and you have the option of turning off compression using these controls.
The Windows Global File Locking feature includes a default list of extensions. If your team uses any file extensions not already included, you may add them using this setting.
By default each connected client uses up to 64 parallel connections up and down. For most users these default settings will be best. Only users with very high speed / low latency connections should consider increasing the number of connections, and conversely users on lower speed, high latency connections may want to decrease the number of connections.
Update notifications prompt users to update their software when updates are available. =If you manage deployment centrally, this setting can be turned off.