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Where is my LucidLink folder and data?

  • Updated

LucidLink Filespaces shows up for the user and application convenience as a mount-point that is generic for each operating system. This allows for a lot of collaborative setups to utilize the same path to resources across different users.

For a particular user or application workflow you can relocate your Filespace folder mount-point within the user space. Please reference this article on how to change your Filespace location. 

Your Filespace administrator may have changed your Filespace mount-point location or your Filespace version might dictate your mount-point could be presented differently however our default mount-points from LucidLink client 2.5 and above are as follows:

Windows: within Explorer or command-line.


macOS: within Finder or Terminal.


Linux: file browser.

Filespace clients prior to 2.5 and below may present as the following mount-points:
Windows L: with a Quick Access link is available within Explorer.
macOS /Volumes/filespace  and a Favourites link available within Finder.
Linux /media/filespace along with a shortcut on the Desktop.

Filespace cache, file index metadata, configuration and diagnostic logging root-path and config-path locations are located by default in the user profile or home folders as hidden .lucid and instance_id subdirectories depending on the operating system. 

To clean up after uninstallation please follow this article.

Inside the .lucid and instance_id folder you will find your log files, node unique identifying, configuration files and individual subdirectories for each Filespace previously connected. 

Previous LucidApp versions prior to 2.5 will utilize the user profile or home folders as hidden .lucid for Lucid.log and app.log.
Lucid daemon from the command-line will utilize a default root-path and config-path of user profile or home folders as hidden .lucid folder, unless specifically specified by a separate --root-path and --config-path daemon options.

Each Filespace has a unique identifier {fsuid} and will be represented as its own folder containing the metadata and cache data. There are two cache locations within each {fsuid}

Metadata {fsuid}\metadb is distributed by the LucidLink service on-demand and cached locally. File data cache {fsuid}\cache is streamed from the object storage provider when accessing your data and or the repository for pinning. 

You can identify your Filespace unique identifier via Lucid command-line interface (CLI). When connected to a Filespace you can identify your instance_id.

lucid2 list
If you have launched LucidApp and discovered your Filespace but not yet connected by validating your user credentials lucid2 list will output your instance_id with your Filespace status of <unknown> and unlinked.

When the LucidLink client is connected to a Filespace Identify your Filespace root-path and or your config-path.

lucid2 status
lucid2 info

Every Filespace client has a unique node ID and must not be duplicated. Node IDs are assigned by the Filespace service at initial connection and automatically increment as each additional client connects. 

The {fsuid}\node.cfg and accompanying {fsuid}\epoch.cfg files contain the unique node information.

Under no circumstances should a{fsuid}, {fsuid}\node.cfg or {fsuid}\epoch.cfg and or the metadata or cache data be migrated to a separate machine, backed up and restored, and/or a machine cloned in the case of cloud compute.

Any virtual machine (VM) snapshot or cloud compute instance that is packaged up as a template image must have the {fsuid} location purged before image creation. We cannot stress this enough, do not duplicate intentionally or accidentally node IDs, their metadata or file cache data.

The LucidLink client root-path and config-path can also be relocated to a specific disk. Please reference this article for details.


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