Please note, as of Filespace format 2.2 the legacy term “Shares” has been changed to “Permissions.”
User management overview
In order to provide users access to a filespace, administrators need to create individual user accounts. Each user will require their own username and password to link to a filespace.
Users form an important foundation for implementing Access Control Lists (ACL) via our Filespace Permissions. These permissions allow us to grant access to the filespace and assign either full or limited read and/or write access to its directory structure
A filespace without any users can only be accessed from the root account. You can manage users via the LucidLink client dashboard's "Control Panel".
Once you create other admins they can also manage the users (except the root account). For more details on the admin user role check the Admin User Role overview section below.
Managing Users
Open the LucidLink Client Application and navigate to the filespace you would like to administer. Click over to the Control Panel tab and click "Open Control Panel".
You can add, delete users, and change passwords from the "Users" tab.
How to add a new user
- In the "Users" tab, click on the
sign on the top right,
- Define the username and password,
- Optional:
- From the drop-down menu, you can select the user type to be "Standard user" or "Administrator",
- For extra security, you can make the new user to change the initial password to a new one on their first login by enabling "Force password change on next login",
- Click "Add user".
How to change user passwords
- In the "Users" tab, click on the
symbol on the line of the user that needs their password changed,
- Select "Change password",
- Define the new password,
- Optional: For extra security, you can prompt the user to change this password to a new one on their first login by enabling "Force password change on next login",
- Click "Change password".
How to delete users
- In the "Users" tab, click on the
symbol on the line of the user that you would like to delete,
- Click "Delete user",
- Confirm your intention of user deletion by clicking "Delete" on the next page.
Admin User Role Overview
The Administrator role gives organizations the ability to have multiple filespace administrators without needing to share the root user's credentials. This Administrator role will have nearly the same privileges as the LucidLink root user, with two key exceptions:
- Administrators can create and delete other Administrators, but cannot delete the root user, or revoke the root user’s privileges.
- Administrators can reset the passwords for other Administrators, but cannot reset the root user’s password.
Note that Administrators have full access to all the data in the filespace just like a root user.
To create a filespace Administrator user, first open the Lucid Control Panel’s Users Tab and click on the green "+" sign in the upper-right-hand corner of the User management panel. After entering a username and password, select “Administrator” from the pulldown menu, which offers the choices of “Standard user” and “Administrator” and click “Add user”.
When ready, click “Confirm”:
Once confirmed, the User management window will show the new Administrator user. Note that the column “Role” shows the new user as an Administrator, and the icon to the left of the user has an orange crown, differentiating it from the icon of the Standard user.
A filespace Administrator can also revoke another administrator’s privileges, and return that user to being a Standard user. This process does not delete the user: it only removes its administrative capabilities. The user will retain its access to the filespace if there are any filespace permissions associated with it.
Note that an Administrator user cannot revoke its own privileges.
To remove an Administrator’s privileges, click the down-arrow icon just to the right of the word “Administrator,” within the Role column.
Doing so will reveal the same pull-down menu where the role type is defined. From this pull-down menu, choose “Standard user.”
Choose “Save” and then “Confirm.” Notice that Administrator users are sorted to the top of the list in the User management panel. When revoking a given administrator’s privileges, the user is then sorted alphanumerically.
Changing a given user from being a Standard user to an Administrator user is the exact same process: choose “Administrator” instead of “Standard user,” followed by “Save” and then “Confirm.” This is done from the same pull down menu, found within the “Set user role” display.
Administration of users can be also performed and scripted via the command line:
lucid2 help user
lucid2 user [--list]
lucid2 user --create username [options]
lucid2 user --delete username
lucid2 user --set username [options]
lucid2 user --set username (--add-group groupname | --remove-group groupname | --add-role rolename | --remove-role rolename) [--password password]
lucid2 user --get [username]
User management - requires administrative privileges
--password password Your current password
--list Display the list of existing users
--create username Create a new user with allowed chars: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, '-_.@'. Max length 128 chars. Usernames are case insensitive and case preserving.
--delete username Delete a user
--set username Specify a user to be used in combination with --user-*, --*-group and --*-role options
--add-group groupname Add a user specified with the --set option to a group
--remove-group groupname Remove a user specified with the --set option from a group
--add-role rolename Add a role to a user specified with the --set option. Supported roles: admin
--remove-role rolename Remove a role from a user specified with the --set option. Supported roles: admin
--get [username] Display user's info. Default is current user.
--user-password password Set new password for a user specified with the --set option
--user-email [email] Set e-mail address for a user specified with the --set option
--user-force-pwd-change [force] Enforce the user to change their password on next login. Value: yes (default) or no
Note that non-root SSO (Single sign-on) Administrators are limited to GUI operations only.
Create a user:
lucid2 user --create user1 Enter your current password: Enter a new password: Reenter the password: User 'user1' created successfully.
Single string user creation:
lucid2 user --create <username>--user-password <userpassword> --user-email <useremail> --password <password>
Set user email address:
lucid2 user --set user1 --user-email Enter your current password: User 'user1' updated successfully.
List users:
lucid2 user --list
Enter your current password:
lucid\user1 No lucid\Group1 Administrator
lucid\root No Administrator
lucid\user2 No Standard user
lucid\user3 No Standard user
Get user details:
lucid2 user --get user1
Enter your current password:
User lucid\user1
Roles Administrator
Pwd change required No
Groups lucid\Group1
Reset user password:
lucid2 user --set user1 --user-password 12345
Delete user:
lucid2 user --delete user1 Enter your current password: User 'user1' deleted successfully.
Promote user to Administrator:
lucid2 user --set user1 --add-role admin
Enter your current password:
User user1 has been promoted to administrator.
Revoke Administrator privileges:
lucid2 user --set user1 --remove-role admin
Enter your current password:
User user1's administrative privileges have been revoked.
If you'd like to bulk create your users, we have an example Powershell script in our tips and tricks Bulk User Creation FAQ.