Configure Filespace Settings

  • Updated


A LucidLink Filespace provides multiple configuration parameters applicable both locally or globally across all clients participating in the global namespace. 

While in most circumstances the defaults are sufficient, it is important to understand the many configurable options built into our service.

The control panel enables the configuring of your frequently administered Filespace settings including your Users, Permissions, Local and Global operating system client settings. 

Managing Filespace UsersFilespace Groups, administering their Permissions, and setting up point-in-time Snapshots are covered in separate knowledge base articles. In this article, we will focus specifically on settings.

Open your LucidLink Desktop Application and select the relevant Filespace from the list of available Filespaces. Then navigate to the Control Panel and add your password to open it: 


Each setting option within the control panel is accompanied by an information tooltip to provide guidance and a detailed explanation of the setting's function.

Typical operations are:

  • Set the location where your Filespace is mounted
  • Increase or decrease cache size
  • Tune your parallel upload and download connection counts
  • Apply download and upload transfer rates to suit available bandwidth
  • Adjust file locking file extension types
Please reach out to LucidLink Support for guidance and make changes carefully as the performance of your Filespace or network could be affected by incorrectly set parameters.

When logged in as Root you will have access to the full control panel including Users, Permissions, along with Local and Global settings.

Global settings will be used as defaults for all machines connecting to this Filespace. Changing some settings may require machines to reconnect to the Filespace in order to take effect.

Note that users may still override their local settings.


Logged in as a regular User will present you with options to change only the local LucidLink client settings for your current machine, not Global settings or Users and Shares.

Local settings will affect this machine only. Changing some settings may require a reconnect to the Filespace in order to take effect.


Advanced Filespace configuration

Lucid config command-line interface provides far more detailed administration of your Filespace than what is available in the control panel.

Make changes carefully as the performance of your Filespace or network could be affected by incorrectly set parameters.
lucid2 config

Outputs the effective, configured scope and status of each config key.


lucid2 config --list [--effective]
lucid2 config --list --local
lucid2 config --list --global
lucid2 config --explain [--KEY1 --KEY2 ...]
lucid2 config --set [--local] --KEY1 VALUE1 [--KEY2 VALUE2 ...] [--password adminPassword]
lucid2 config --set --global --KEY1 VALUE1 [--KEY2 VALUE2 ...] [--password adminPassword]
lucid2 config --delete [--local] --KEY1 [--KEY2 ...] [--password adminPassword]
lucid2 config --delete --global --KEY1 [--KEY2 ...] [--password adminPassword]

Set local or global scope filespace configurations


--effective Currently effective filespace configurations for this client
--local Local configurations scope. Affects only client where setting is applied
--global Global configurations scope. Affects each client that connects to the filespace unless overridden with --local for a particular client
--set Set configuration key(s). Defaults to `local` scope
--delete Delete configuration key(s). Defaults to `local` scope
--password password An admin user's password. Used with --global and --local options
--list Display the configuration settings per scope
--no-trim Do not trim long configuration values
--explain Describe what each configuration key affects within Lucid and list its value constraints. Can be used with --KEY

Configuration keys:

--Compressor.Concurrency [value] Maximum parallel compression/decompression tasks (0 means auto).
--Compressor.DestageThreshold [value] The threshold block size in bytes, at which blocks get destaged for parallel execution.
--Compressor.Enabled [value] Turns compression on and off.
--Compressor.Lz4Acceleration [value] Controls compression ratio vs. compression speed. 1 means maximum data compression (takes more resources on the local machine but reduces the network traffic).
--CryptoStore.Concurrency [value] Maximum parallel encryption/decryption tasks (0 means auto).
--CryptoStore.DestageThreshold [value] The threshold block size in bytes, at which blocks get destaged for parallel execution.
--DataCache.Location [value] Change the location of your data cache.
--DataCache.Size [value] Local data cache size. The default is 5GB. 80% of the size is available for pinning.
--External.UpdateNotification [value] Enable or disable notifications for new versions of Lucid.
--FileLockingGC.RetentionTime [value] The amount of time lucid2 service will wait disconnected clients, before collecting their file locks
--FileStore.MemCacheSize [value] In-memory data cache size. The default is 64MiB.
--FileStore.StuckStateInterval [value] The Stuck State Interval represents the length of time that has elapsed since the last known activity observed for that unique upload. Once this interval has been reached, the visible icon indicating an upload is in progress will change to indicate that there is a problem with that upload. Default value is 7200 seconds (2 hours).
--FileSystem.DefaultMountPointScheme [value] Determines where the filespace will be mounted when no mount point is explicitly provided.
--FileSystem.ForbidSpecialCharacters [value] Forbid creating file names which are not compatible with Windows. These are names containing a special character \/:*?"<>| , have a trailing space or dot or represent a reserved name on Windows. Since Lucid version 2.0.3633, this setting is set globally to 1 upon Filespace initialization
--FileSystem.LockingExtensions [value] Windows only. File extensions for which locking will be applied on open.
--FileSystem.MaxFsEntries [value] Maximum number of entries (files + directories + symlinks). The option must always be preceded by the '--global' option. Setting it to 0 removes the limit.
--FileSystem.MaxFsSize [value] Sets the maximum file system size. The option must always be preceded by the '--global' option. Setting it to 0 removes the limit.
--FileSystem.MaxStorageSize [value] Sets the maximum object storage consumed by user data. The option must always be preceded by the '--global' option. Setting it to 0 removes the limit.
--FileSystem.MountPointLinux [value] Linux only. Path which will be used as a mount point.
--FileSystem.MountPointOSX [value] macOS only. Path which will be used as a mount point.
--FileSystem.MountPointWindows [value] Windows only. Path which will be used as a mount point and drive letter.
--FileSystem.MountPointWindowsLabel [value] Windows only. The label of the filespace drive.
--FileSystem.RootPoint [value] Folder within the filespace to appear as the root folder. Path starts at the Lucid filespace root, not the local file system root.
--FileSystem.WindowsPermissions [value] Windows only. Enable or disable Windows NTFS permissions. Requires admin privileges.
--ObjectScheduler.GetLatencyHighAlert [value] GET request latency high alert threshold in milliseconds.
--ObjectScheduler.GetLatencyLowAlert [value] GET request latency low alert threshold in milliseconds.
--ObjectScheduler.GetLatencyMediumAlert [value] GET request latency medium alert threshold in milliseconds.
--ObjectScheduler.MaxDownloadConns [value] Maximum parallel download connections - object store to client.
--ObjectScheduler.MaxDownloadRate [value] Maximum download rate in bytes/s - object store to client. The default is unlimited.
--ObjectScheduler.MaxUploadConns [value] Maximum parallel upload connections - client to object store.
--ObjectScheduler.MaxUploadRate [value] Maximum upload rate in bytes/s - client to object store. The default is unlimited.
--ObjectScheduler.PutLatencyHighAlert [value] PUT request latency high alert threshold in milliseconds.
--ObjectScheduler.PutLatencyLowAlert [value] PUT request latency low alert threshold in milliseconds.
--ObjectScheduler.PutLatencyMediumAlert [value] PUT request latency medium alert threshold in milliseconds.
--PasswordComplexity.DifferentCaseRequired [value] At least one uppercase and one lowercase characters required. Defaults to 1 (enforced).
--PasswordComplexity.DigitRequired [value] At least one digit required. Defaults to 1 (enforced).
--PasswordComplexity.MinimumLength [value] Minimum password length required. Defaults to 8.
--PasswordComplexity.NotContainUsername [value] The password is not allowed to contain the username. Defaults to 1 (enforced).
--PasswordComplexity.SpecialCharacterRequired [value] At least one special character required (e.g. !,$,#,%, etc.). Defaults to 0 (not enforced).
--RemoteKeystore.MetadataUpdatesTimeout [value] File index sync request timeout. The default is 120 (2 min).
--Sso.AppId [value] Application ID
--Sso.ClientSecret [value] SSO client secret (AzureAD only)
--Sso.OktaUseAppProfile [value] Okta only. Use Application User Profile for storing the custom attribute
--Sso.OpenIdClientId [value] OpenID client ID configured for Lucid
--Sso.OpenIdConnectUrl [value] OpenID Connect URL
--Sso.Provider [value] The SSO provider
--Sso.Workflow [value] The SSO workflow

A detailed explanation of what each configuration Key affects and a list of their default values or constraints can be retrieved via the --explain option.

lucid2 config --explain

Key names:

Key: Compressor.Concurrency
Description: Maximum parallel compression/decompression tasks (0 means auto).
Value constraints: Integer between 0 and 1024
Default value: 0

Key: Compressor.DestageThreshold
Description: The threshold block size in bytes, at which blocks get destaged for parallel execution.
Value constraints: Integer between 1 and 2^32 - 1
Default value: 1024

Key: Compressor.Enabled
Description: Turns compression on and off.
Value constraints: 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled (default)
Default value: 1

Key: Compressor.Lz4Acceleration
Description: Controls compression ratio vs. compression speed. 1 means maximum data compression (takes more resources on the local machine but reduces the network traffic).
Value constraints: Integer between 1 and 100
Default value: 1

Key: CryptoStore.Concurrency
Description: Maximum parallel encryption/decryption tasks (0 means auto).
Value constraints: Integer between 0 and 1024
Default value: 0

Key: CryptoStore.DestageThreshold
Description: The threshold block size in bytes, at which blocks get destaged for parallel execution.
Value constraints: Integer between 1 and 2^32 - 1
Default value: 1024

Key: DataCache.Location
Description: Change the location of your data cache.
Value constraints: A valid path to a folder on the local file system
Default value:

Key: DataCache.Size
Description: Local data cache size. The default is 5GB. 80% of the size is available for pinning.
Value constraints: Min 100MB. Max 10TB. Supported units: MB, GB, TB.
Default value: 5GiB

Key: External.UpdateNotification
Description: Enable or disable notifications for new versions of Lucid.
Value constraints: 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled.
Default value: 1

Key: FileLockingGC.RetentionTime
Description: The amount of time lucid2 service will wait disconnected clients, before collecting their file locks
Value constraints: A numeric value which will represent the duration in seconds
Default value: 60

Key: FileStore.MemCacheSize
Description: In-memory data cache size. The default is 64MiB.
Value constraints: Set to 0 to disable in-memory cache. Max 1TiB. Supported unit suffixes: M(iB), G(iB).
Default value: 64MiB

Key: FileStore.StuckStateInterval
Description: The Stuck State Interval represents the length of time that has elapsed since the last known activity observed for that unique upload. Once this interval has been reached, the visible icon indicating an upload is in progress will change to indicate that there is a problem with that upload. Default value is 7200 seconds (2 hours).
Value constraints: Min 1 second. Max 2,592,000 seconds (30 days).
Default value: 7200

Key: FileSystem.DefaultMountPointScheme
Description: Determines where the filespace will be mounted when no mount point is explicitly provided.
Value constraints: 'UserHome' or 'GenericVolume'.
Default value: UserHome

Key: FileSystem.ForbidSpecialCharacters
Description: Forbid creating file names which are not compatible with Windows. These are names containing a special character \/:*?"<>| , have a trailing space or dot or represent a reserved name on Windows. Since Lucid version 2.0.3633, this setting is set globally to 1 upon Filespace initialization
Value constraints: 0 = allow special characters and filenames, 1 = forbid special characters and filenames
Default value: 1

Key: FileSystem.LockingExtensions
Description: Windows only. File extensions for which locking will be applied on open.
Value constraints: Comma separated e.g. ("docx,pptx,rvt"). Empty string disables file locking.
Default value: indd,idlk,dbl,dwl,dwl2,dwt,dwg,ppt,pptx,xls,xlsx,doc,docx,rvt,revit:dat

Key: FileSystem.MountPointLinux
Description: Linux only. Path which will be used as a mount point.
Value constraints: Valid absolute path (e.g. "/media/myfilespace").
Default value:

Key: FileSystem.MountPointOSX
Description: macOS only. Path which will be used as a mount point.
Value constraints: Valid absolute path (e.g. "/Volumes/myfilespace").
Default value:

Key: FileSystem.MountPointWindows
Description: Windows only. Path which will be used as a mount point and drive letter.
Value constraints: Drive letter (recommended, e.g., “L:”) or full folder path (e.g., “C:\Users\myuser\mount”) or network path (partial support, e.g., “\\lucid\myfilespace” or “\\lucid\myfilespace;L:”).
Default value:

Key: FileSystem.MaxFsEntries
Description: Maximum number of entries (files + directories + symlinks). The option must always be preceded by the '--global' option. Setting it to 0 removes the limit.
Value constraints:
Default value: 0

Key: FileSystem.MaxFsSize
Description: Sets the maximum file system size. The option must always be preceded by the '--global' option. Setting it to 0 removes the limit.
Value constraints: Supported units: B, MB, GB, TB.
Default value: 0B

Key: FileSystem.MaxStorageSize
Description: Sets the maximum object storage size. The option must always be preceded by the '--global' option. Setting it to 0 removes the limit.
Value constraints: Supported units: B, MB, GB, TB.
Default value: 0B

Key: FileSystem.MountPointWindowsLabel
Description: Windows only. The label of the filespace drive.
Value constraints: A string with a maximum length of 32 characters
Default value: Lucid

Key: FileSystem.RootPoint
Description: Folder within the filespace to appear as the root folder. Path starts at the Lucid filespace root, not the local file system root.
Value constraints: Valid Lucid path (e.g. /dir1/dir2)
Default value:

Key: FileSystem.WindowsPermissions
Description: Windows only. Enable or disable Windows NTFS permissions. Requires admin privileges.
Value constraints: 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled.
Default value: 1

Key: ObjectScheduler.GetLatencyHighAlert
Description: GET request latency high alert threshold in milliseconds.
Value constraints: Integer between 1 and 60000
Default value: 10000

Key: ObjectScheduler.GetLatencyLowAlert
Description: GET request latency low alert threshold in milliseconds.
Value constraints: Integer between 1 and 60000
Default value: 2500

Key: ObjectScheduler.GetLatencyMediumAlert
Description: GET request latency medium alert threshold in milliseconds.
Value constraints: Integer between 1 and 60000
Default value: 5000

Key: ObjectScheduler.MaxDownloadConns
Description: Maximum parallel download connections - object store to client.
Value constraints: Integer between 1 and 1000
Default value: 64

Key: ObjectScheduler.MaxDownloadRate
Description: Maximum download rate in bytes/s - object store to client. The default is unlimited.
Value constraints: Integer. Supported units: KB, MB, GB, TB
Default value: unlimited

Key: ObjectScheduler.MaxUploadConns
Description: Maximum parallel upload connections - client to object store.
Value constraints: Integer between 1 and 1000
Default value: 64

Key: ObjectScheduler.MaxUploadRate
Description: Maximum upload rate in bytes/s - client to object store. The default is unlimited.
Value constraints: Integer. Supported units: KB, MB, GB, TB
Default value: unlimited

Key: ObjectScheduler.PutLatencyHighAlert
Description: PUT request latency high alert threshold in milliseconds.
Value constraints: Integer between 1 and 60000
Default value: 15000

Key: ObjectScheduler.PutLatencyLowAlert
Description: PUT request latency low alert threshold in milliseconds.
Value constraints: Integer between 1 and 60000
Default value: 5000

Key: ObjectScheduler.PutLatencyMediumAlert
Description: PUT request latency medium alert threshold in milliseconds.
Value constraints: Integer between 1 and 60000
Default value: 10000

Key: PasswordComplexity.DifferentCaseRequired
Description: At least one uppercase and one lowercase characters required. Defaults to 1 (enforced).
Value constraints: 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled.
Default value: 1

Key: PasswordComplexity.DigitRequired
Description: At least one digit required. Defaults to 1 (enforced).
Value constraints: 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled.
Default value: 1

Key: PasswordComplexity.MinimumLength
Description: Minimum password length required. Defaults to 8.
Value constraints: Integer between 1 and 64.
Default value: 8

Key: PasswordComplexity.NotContainUsername
Description: The password is not allowed to contain the username. Defaults to 1 (enforced).
Value constraints: 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled.
Default value: 1

Key: PasswordComplexity.SpecialCharacterRequired
Description: At least one special character required (e.g. !,$,#,%, etc.). Defaults to 0 (not enforced).
Value constraints: 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled.
Default value: 0

Key: RemoteKeystore.MetadataUpdatesTimeout
Description: File index sync request timeout. The default is 120 (2 min).
Value constraints: The timeout value in seconds. Valid range: 1 - 300 sec (5 min).
Default value: 60

Key: Sso.AppId
Description: Application ID
Value constraints: The application ID when different than the Client ID
Default value:

Key: Sso.ClientSecret
Description: SSO client secret (AzureAD only)
Value constraints: A unique identifier for Lucid generated by your Identity Provider
Default value:

Key: Sso.OktaUseAppProfile
Description: Okta only. Use Application User Profile for storing the custom attribute
Value constraints: 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled
Default value: 0

Key: Sso.OpenIdClientId
Description: OpenID client ID configured for Lucid
Value constraints: A unique identifier for Lucid generated by your Identity Provider
Default value:

Key: Sso.OpenIdConnectUrl
Description: OpenID Connect URL
Value constraints: The OpenID Connect URL
Default value:

Key: Sso.Provider
Description: The SSO provider
Value constraints: Supported providers: azure, okta
Default value:

Key: Sso.Workflow
Description: The SSO workflow
Value constraints: Supported workflows: ManualSync, JustInTime
Default value:

Each key can be applied across the entire Filespace, all clients participating within the Filespace using --global or locally applied to current client instance with --local.

Certain operations are effective immediately, others applied when the Filespace is next activated.
Global operations require the root password.

Add txt file locking extension (default rvt,dwl,dwl2,dwt,dwg,pptx,xlsx,doc,docx) to local instance:

lucid2 config --set --global --FileSystem.LockingExtensions rvt,dwl,dwl2,dwt,dwg,pptx,xlsx,doc,docx,txt

Confirm effective configuration:

lucid2 config --effective

List local settings:

lucid2 config --list --local

List global settings:

lucid2 config --list --global

Increase parallel download connection count to 32 (default 64):

lucid2 config --set --local --ObjectScheduler.MaxDownloadConns 32

Limit local download rate to 1MB (default unlimited):

lucid2 config --set --local --ObjectScheduler.MaxDownloadRate 1M

Set global download rate to unlimited (default):

lucid2 config --set --global --ObjectScheduler.MaxDownloadRate 

Forbid special characters (locally):

lucid2 config --set --FileSystem.ForbidSpecialCharacters 1

Please reach out to LucidLink Support should you require any further assistance.

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